Dixie Scrips General Pain Relief
Are you looking for fundamental information and suggestions regarding Dixie Scrips General Pain Relief medicinal marijuana?
In any event, scroll further down the page to learn the uses of Dixie Scrips General Pain Relief pot, including the diseases it is thought to treat.
You will also learn about Dixie Scrips General Pain Relief’s total user impact, flavor notes, and unstated drawbacks. Please feel free to speak with one of our amiable and professional budtenders if you have any questions.
Dixie Scrips General Pain Relief – Dosage: One to two capsules to provide. fast, effective relief.
Ingredients: Hemp whole plant extract, CBD* extract derived from medicinal hemp, turmeric powder, conjugated linoleic acid, white willow bark, rice concentrate, sodium bicarbonate
Medicinal Information:
Contains approximately 25mg CBD* and other cannabinoids per capsule. (*cannabidiol)
Recommended for: Insomnia, Pain, and Stress. Common Results: Creative, Euphoric, Happy, Hungry, and Uplifted Taste. Notes: A Flavory Blend of Diesel & Skunk. Could Benefit These Conditions: Depression, Inflammation, Insomnia, Pain or Stress. Can Provide Relief: ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Gastrointestinal, Bipolar Disorder and even ease Migraines
Potential drawbacks
Anxious, woozy, mouth dry, eyes dry, and paranoid
Dixie Fever and Pain Powder Capsules For Sle
Antipyretic and anodyne. useful for bringing down temperatures and easing pain in cases of fever. Additionally, it’s very effective for all nervous diseases, headaches, neuralgia, catarrh, la grippe, head colds, rheumatism, and sleeplessness.
For the treatment of fever, including recurrent, intermittent, hay, chill, etc. Take one powder every two hours until the fever subsides if you have a fever.
The powder can be placed on the tongue and ingested with water, or it can be combined with water and syrup in a tablespoon.
Take one powder for a headache, neuralgia, la Grappe, head cold, earache, toothache, pain over the eyes, or rheumatism. If it’s convenient, lie down for 20 to 30 minutes.
If the pain doesn’t go away in two hours, take another powder. Half a powder for women with weak constitutions.
Ladies with weak constitutions just need a half-spoon of powder. One powder taken before bed usually induces sleep when used to treat insomnia and other sleep-related problems.
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